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Tag Archives: your body

Foods to lower high blood pressure.

Doctors will advise patients with high blood pressure to take care of their health by modifying their diet. Turn to the DASH Diet or foods that help control blood pressure. by reducing the amount of sodium salt Based on recommendations from the American Heart Association. The average person should

Caring for wounds to heal quickly by yourself.

People with wounds may Choose to use topical ointment that contains a mixture of chlorhexidine. Which will help kill bacteria in the wound and pro-vitamin D5 (Dexpanthenol). Which helps strengthen the skin’s natural healing mechanisms. As a result, skin wounds heal faster than before. These two ingredients usually do

Benefits of cherries. 

The key cherries nutrients listed above may have no less health benefits than any other fruit. Therefore, there are some research studies on the properties of cherries in various fields as follows. Anti oxidant It is well known that antioxidant That may help reduce the amount of free